
Contacting us

The address of the property is

La Verrerie
63490 Egliseneuve-des-Liards

There is a telephone in Gite 1 which will accept inbound calls – 0473 96 85 58. Note this phone will make outgoing local calls (please use sparingly) and emergency calls only. There is excellent cellular coverage from most French cell providers. (Note – cell coverage inside buildings can be variable due to the very thick stone walls – move around or go in the garden!)

OUR contact details for enquiries, bookings, payments, etc., are

Blackthorne Cottage
Blackthorne Lane
HP16 9LN

01494 837036

You can email us at


Sterling (UK banks) or Euro cheques (French banks only please) should be sent to the Ballinger address payable to C D Comley.

If you wish to pay by bank transfer – please contact us for bank details.